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Double & Triple Glazing

GLAS provide advanced glazing methods for practically every application.

Windows & doors are typically one of a building's weakest thermally performing components. If your home or project’s thermal performance is important, the efficiency of the chosen windows and doors is vital.

Double and triple glazing will provide advanced thermal performance & some of the best noise reduction characteristics on the market. And when combined with a thermally efficient or UPVC window and door system, the results will be a more efficient, eco-friendly building.

Take a look at Infinium for next generation double and triple glazed sliding doors and windows.

To add a built in privacy aspect to your double or triple glazed units can be integral blinds or LCD switchable glass.

If you are considering double or triple glazing for your build or renovation, and your space is anywhere from Brisbane to the Gold Coast, Tweed to Byron and beyond, please contact us and the team will be happy to assist.

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